Rose Petal Syrup
I first learned about rose petal syrup when Pamela Sheldon Johns posted about it on Facebook and I was so intrigued I did some research on the internet. Last year I did make Rose Hip Jam, but I never thought about using the rose petals. We have some amazing heirloom roses on our property that range in color from soft white to crimson and all are very fragrant.
I wanted my syrup to be rich in color so I choose only dark pink and red rose petals for my syrup. It is best to choose roses from unsprayed rose bushes and pick them first thing in the morning when the fragrance is strongest. It is reported that the best flavored syrup comes from massaging the sugar into the petals and allowing both to macerate overnight.
Throwing everything in the blender simply will not yield the best results. When you cut your roses, cut off the white tips near the base, and use only the colored unblemished petals.
This syrup is quite wonderful as it is sweet but not overly so, and has a wonderful rose fragrance. I use my syrup to top creamy gelato, over slices of pound cake with fresh berries, and I even spoon some on top of my morning yogurt with fresh diced fruit. I really enjoyed this syrup and will certainly make it again next year along with some rose petal jelly as well!
Fresh rose petals collected first thing in the morning.
Add the sugar to the petals in a non-reactive bowl.
Use your fingers to rub the sugar into the petals and let sit overnight.
The syrup is great drizzled on vanilla gelato.
I also enjoyed the syrup on top of my morning yogurt with fresh fruit.
Buon Appetito!
Deborah Mele

Rose Petal Syrup
A light, sweet syrup made with fresh rose petals that is delicious on top of gelato.
- 8 Ounces (250g) Fresh, Fragrant, Pink or Red Rose Petals (See Note Above)
- 7 Cups Granulated Sugar
- Juice Of One Large Lemon, Seeds Included
- 3 Cups Water
- Place the rose petals into a non-reactive bowl and toss with 2 cups of the sugar and rub gently with your fingertips, squeezing the petals gently to bruise slightly.
- Cover with plastic film and let stand in a cool place overnight to macerate.
- The following day, add the remaining 5 cups of sugar, 3 cups of water and lemon juice.
- Bring to a boil and stir to dissolve the sugar, then add the rose petal mixture including the liquid into the pot and bring to a boil once again.
- Reduce heat to a soft boil and cook for about 30 minutes, or until a thermometer reads 220 degrees F.
- Remove from the heat and cool to room temperature.
- Strain the syrup discarding the petals and seeds.
- Store the syrup in the refrigerator, or in sterilized jars.
We made this syrup last year, and I put a little splash in my kids’ water bottles for school every day. Â They loved it.
If you take the rose petals left over after straining and put them in a food dehydrator, it makes candied rose petals – one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted.
Thanks for the tip!